Eye SurgeryMedical malpractice takes place when a medical professional acts, or fails to act, in a manner that is consistent with accepted standards of professional care. In simpler terms, when a medical care provider does not provide quality care to a patient, that provider is acting negligently.

If you have been injured due to medical malpractice, it is important that you seek legal counsel by someone with expertise and decades of experience practicing this specialized type of law.  As a victim of medical negligence, you may have the right to be compensated for your injuries, and a top-rated malpractice lawyer can help you get what you deserve. This compensation may include:

  • Payment of all past, current, and future medical bills that are associated with the injury.
  • Past and future lost wages.
  • Damages for disfigurement/scarring, pain and suffering, and/or loss of enjoyment of life.
  • Retraining for employment if the injury makes you unable to return to work.

In the event that you are permanently disabled from the malpractice of a healthcare provider, or if your loved one dies from the injury, you may have additional specific rights to compensation.

When selecting a medical malpractice lawyer, you need to look for a firm that can aggressively represent you.

You want to select a firm that has access to well-qualified and highly professional medical experts who can review the circumstances leading up to your injury.  You want a firm that is experienced in medical malpractice cases. A firm that is experienced will be able to work-up your case to prepare for trial and maximize the value of your claim. You only have the right to sue for compensation once for any given instance of medical malpractice. This means that your case must be handled professionally and with the utmost care and attention right from the start.

No one ever enters a doctor’s medical office with the intention of being injured or made worse off than when they entered.

There is always an expectation that the doctors, nurses, and other medical personnel will provide appropriate diagnosis, treatment, and relief from your ailment. When these expectations are not met, oftentimes malpractice is the reason. If you are a victim of serious medical malpractice, you should seek legal representation as quickly as possible. Pennsylvania requries medical malpractice claims to be filed within two years (except in some very limited situations, such as minors, who have until age 20). Your act of courage in moving forward with a case may very well save someone’s life in the future, in addition to getting you the compensation you deserve.

If you have been injured by a healthcare provider, contact us today – the Philadelphia law firm of McLaughlin & Lauricella can help.